Monday, August 12, 2019

Website Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Website Analysis - Assignment Example The other link takes the viewer to a game. There are also links of different dinosaurs and one on a bicycle. There is also a link that takes one to a quiz of a show. The website is single page site whose entire links are on the homepage. Some of the content in the website are lapsing each other whereas some are can be seen to appear upside down. Everything in the website seems to be in a random place. All the links in the website are seen to be separate from their pictures. The page is also seen to have a lot of different content on it. The website can be said to be just a big miss concerning all the links found in it. In the website page, there is only one thing on the content and a link in the website that is moving, and it is not in a single spot. It can be said that the intention of the website appearance was meant to be bad the way it is. The website is not appealing at all, and several things have been placed wrongly. For the starters, it lacks a banner. I suggest the creating of one in the website. Another thing is that the website should be more organized than it is. The website designer can organize the links in the website so that it can take the viewers to a similar site putting them all together. The designer should also create more than one page in the website. In this case, the website designer will use three main pages and sub-pages. The other websites can be put into categories like† I like website†, â€Å"videos† and â€Å"games†. The content in the home page should have information that details the reasons why the website was made and display interesting things and fun that an individual can find in the site. Links from the web site and subcategories can be put together. The video page can be used to show all the videos and each genre can be created for the videos as well as page for

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