Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Explaining Buoyancy And Its Effects Philosophy Essay

Explaining Buoyancy And Its Effects Philosophy Essay Buoyancy is a wonderful law that God has made so that we and things He made could float. Unfortunately buoyancy is more complicated than that. A Greek mathematician named Archimedes stated his principle, any object wholly or partly immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. (Wikipedia, par. 2). Archimedes was a brilliant man, who very much understood buoyancy and how it works. For buoyancy to work an object must be put in a fluid. The weight of the water that the object takes up is pushing up on that object with the equal amount of weight. As you now may notice objects with greater volume have greater buoyancy. For instance, a ten pound brick will sink faster than a twenty by twenty foot sheet of cement. Buoyancy is greatly considered when it comes to boat making. The architect of the boat has to greatly consider buoyancy and how it works. Even back in the Indian times, they understood that in order for their canoes to float , it would have to be hollow. Even though they did not understand buoyancy, they knew that the less weight that you had of an object the better it would float. (valkyreicraft.com). Now we know that different particles in the water, such as salt, help buoyancy out. The salt that we know is in the ocean or a body of water is a process called salinity. Salinity is the saltiness dissolved salt content of a body of water. (Wikipedia, par. 1). If you go snorkeling in Hawaii you will notice that you float better than you do here in California. Thats because there is more salt in Hawaii than here. The salt is taking up part of the volume in the water therefore it puts more pressure on an object taking up volume in the water. As you may see, there are many different properties and objects affecting buoyancy, different minerals in the water and different sizes and weights that affect how an item floats. An object that floats in the water is positively buoyant. An object that doesnt float is negatively buoyant. And an object that floats at the same level in the water is neutrally buoyant. Big ships, especially cruise ships, want to be very much positively buoyant. The more positively buoyant they are, the more they can fit in things on the ship. A ship can be designed to carry a specific weight of cargo. It must adapt to how many people the ship can hold and how much stuff. The law of buoyancy not only determines the draft at which a ship will float, but also the angles that it will assume when in the water. The early stages of building the ship design will struggle to predict the size and weight of the ship. The architect must be experienced in buoyancy and how it works. (britamica, par. 1-3). Although you may think that buoyancy is only used when an object floats, it isnt. Buoyancy is also in the progress when an object sinks. As I said earlier, an object that sinks is negatively buoyant. The downward force is due to gravity. Many objects sink because it weighs more than the amount of fluid displaced. Like a submarine or an anchor, experts find ways to make objects sink better. There are so many different ways in considering buoyancy. When an object is fully submerged in water, the force of buoyancy pushes on all sides of the object. Due to a net force upward, the object will rise to the top depending on if it is positively buoyant. The force on the object also increases as it goes deeper in the water, which is due to higher pressure deeper down. Buoyancy, as we now know, works in three different ways. Buoyancy is acted upon by an object floating. Due to the upward force of an object that displaces an amount of water. Buoyancy is acted upon by the sinking of an object. An object will sink to the bottom because the object weighs more than the weigh of the water that it displaces. Finally buoyancy is acted upon by an object being fully submersed in a fluid. An object fully submersed in a fluid is acted upon by all sides of the object. Buoyancy is acted upon in three different ways. There are three different properties affecting buoyancy. The first property is gravity. Gravity is the pull on an object due to the gravitational force in the Earths atmosphere. Gravity affects buoyancy because even under water gravity pulls down on an object. The second property affecting buoyancy is mass. Mass is the amount of matter in an object. The more mass an object has the more capable it is to float, or positively buoyant. The last property affecting buoyancy is weight. Weight is the pull of gravity on an object. As you can see weight is simply how much gravity is being used on it. Weight affects buoyancy by pulling down more on an object. Gravity, mass, and weight are the three main properties affecting buoyancy. (web definition). Buoyancy is also used in the Bible. When one of Elishas servants was cutting down a tree by the Jordan River and his ax head flew of the ax and went into the river. The servant then cried alas, master! For it was borrowed. (New American Standard, 2 Kin. 6.5). Elisha then cut off a stick and threw it in the water. Suddenly the iron ax head floated at the top of the river, and was probably positively buoyant. God uses his miracles through science, which he created. God defied buoyancy to show miracles through his prophets. God made certain animals to adapt to buoyancy in different ways. Some animals were created with buoyant organs. Small ocean animals sink slower than bigger animals and can sometimes hover in place. Large ocean animals sink but sometimes are created with buoyant organs. Another way God shows buoyancy through buoyancy is, animals having fluids in their bodies to help them float. Some ocean animals are created that have low-density organic compounds r body fluids of unusual ionic composition. God made buoyancy to aid animals for how they swim. Animals are another way through which God expresses his brilliant creation and helps us look at and understand buoyancy. (oxfordjournals, par. 1). There are so many different ways through which buoyancy is expressed and seen. As seen before, buoyancy is affected by three different things, gravity, mass, and weight. We saw that an object in water is either positively, negatively, or neutrally buoyant. We learned that many different companies have to consider buoyancy, like ship builders, and divers equipment. Also that buoyancy is acted upon in three different states, floating, sinking, or fully submerged in water. We say how God used miracles in the Bible through buoyancy. Finally we saw that God, through His creation of animals, used buoyancy. Buoyancy is a scientific law that God created to help us understand how things float and to put us in awe of his brilliant creation.

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