Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case discussion Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion - Case Study Example According to Susan, John had bypassed her and several other women in previous promotion exercises. As the Vice President, Kyle had the responsibility of ensuring that the stalemate was resolved amicably. Since the stalemate was a multi-faceted affair, there was a need to encourage dialogue to ensure that any decisions arrived at were amicable and acceptable among all persons involved. However, despite having the responsibility to ensure an amicable resolution of the dispute was obtained, it was also Kyle’s responsibility to ensure that employees respected authority. In this regard, it would be Kyle’s responsibility to insist that John’s instructions ought to have been followed since he had the power to make the decisions that he had already made. It would be appropriate if Kyle were to reverse John’s decisions because some employees were unhappy with them, and especially because any decision that would be made would affect Westco directly. The existing organizational culture at Westco could also have contributed to the stalemate. Westo had an ‘open door’ policy, and Kyle, being the Vice President, had promised to take employee concerns seriously. These two aspects contributed significantly to the employees’ notion that they were entitled to disagree openly with John’s decisions. On the other hand, the organizational structure indicated that in the seniority order, Adam was more senior in the company as compared to Oscar. Similarly, Bob and Susan were at the same level. John had complete discretion to promote any of these employees. This is because he had the responsibility to promote and protect the company’s interests. Additionally, the employees’ rankings were not too far apart as to cause any significant protocol problems. The best employee to promote would have been the employee who, in John’s opinion, was most suitable to perform the job regardless of any other considerations. As a result,

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