Saturday, July 27, 2019

Any topic (writer's choice) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 180

Any topic (writer's choice) - Essay Example To be more precise, this paper will make an attempt to detect the role of meditation in such philosophies of thought as Yoga and Daoist philosophy as well as Zen Buddhism. I shall argue that despite that all of these the common characteristics and purposes typical of these three quite different philosophical practices, there is a number of distinctive features that define the general purpose of meditation in each of the philosophic trends. Speaking about an Ancient Indian view on meditation, one should point out that Yoga itself implied a certain state or condition, as well as a technique, and a particular kind of union. Patanjali considered Yoga to be â€Å"the cessation of the modifications of the mind† (â€Å"The Meaning and Purpose of Yoga†, n.d.). From the point of view of an Ancient Indian, the search for truth was in fact the fundamental problem of philosophy. The truth itself was not of great value, but the knowledge of it help an individual to be released. Thus, it appears that the release, attainment of absolute freedom was a chief aim of the spiritual practices, but not the knowledge of the truth. To become free meant to advance to the next level of being, gain another modus of existence that would surpass the â€Å"normal† life and set it on a new more advanced plane. Indeed, Yoga was regarded as a way analyzing the concepts of perception and cognition, lying at the root implying suffering. Besides, it was perceived as a rising and expansion of one’s consciousness.

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