Monday, December 23, 2019
Explore the Ways in Which Prospero Is Presented as a...
Prospero is arguably the most interesting and diverse characters within William Shakespeares ‘The Tempest. He is a man that was wronged by his usurping brother, however he is somewhat difficult to like as his story unfolds and the story of others is submerged. His power over and treatment of other characters shows him as a man that is struggling with his own importance and ability, however his isolation from the world for so many years clearly plays an important part in the way prospero uses his power to try and obtain justice for what he lost. His Manner is presented as authoritarian, Shakespeare uses language to create Prosperos threatening manipulative manner, using dialect that has emotional impact on each character for separate†¦show more content†¦Prospero trys to depict himself to everybody in different ways; to some he is threatening and unreasonable and to Miranda he tries to show himself as a victim of the devious world from which they have come. Shakespeare is highlighting Prosperos falseness by showing Miranda as disinterested; she is a expression of innocence in the story, untainted by lifes reality and cruelness, therefore she is not as vulnerable to being drawn in by falsehoods and manipulation, this may be Prosperos saving grace, his daughter is his reality and she keeps him grounded. Mirandas husband is chosen for her by Prospero, he leads Ferdinand to her with the wish they would fall in love, he had Ferdinand taken from the ship and lead to Miranda, then he enslaved him, he wanted to ensure the love between Ferdinand and Miranda is a challenge worth winning. He gives Ferdinand and Miranda his blessing once he believes they will last but warns him not to ‘break her virgin-knot before they are married. Prospero believes Miranda and Ferdinands love will last longer if it is harder to obtain, the strongest oaths are straw to th fire I th blood. Prospero needs to assert his authority to Ferdinand in the same way he does with Ariel and Caliban, Poor worm,Show MoreRelatedOpposition between Art and Reality in Shakespeares The Tempest1062 Words  | 5 Pagesand Reality in The Tempest     The Tempest is a self-reflexive play that explores the boundaries of art and reality. Shakespeares island is a realm controlled by the artist figure; where the fabulous, the ideal and the imaginative are presented as both illusory and palpable, and where the audience is held in an indeterminate state, a strange repose. 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