Thursday, September 26, 2019

New orleans after hurricane Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

New orleans after hurricane - Essay Example Many people in New Orleans experience post traumatic stress and need a lot of support and counseling to deal with this issue according to Rhoads, Pearman, and Rick (Nd). Nutrition and metabolism focus on food and fluid consumption patterns in relation to the metabolic needs according to Daniels and Daniels (2004). This involves evaluation of local nutrient supplies and their adequacy. In New Orleans, new restaurants have been established as well as new and improved types of foods such as praline, red beans and rice. The Foods Policy Advisory Committee has been established by the City Council of New Orleans to study access to health food access and reduce disparities experienced in accessing healthy food. Other issues such as problems related to tissue integrity, gastrointestinal system, fluid balance and host defense are also identified through this pattern. Elimination is a pattern where data collection focuses on patterns of excretion (Sonoma, nd). In New Orleans excretory problems including diarrhea and constipation were experienced due to disparities in food access after the hurricanes. Data collection is done annually by researchers in the health sector to establish changes in food consumption in New Orleans.

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